{Organic} têoh {is} forworen ofðe {humified} {organic} geol−ster {(crop} {residues}, {compost, manures}, {etc)} to ðone as sylian. {There} m¯æran {actually} {several} {techniques} fîllende cuman m¯æl {soil organic} têoh hêafodling. {There} {is} dimf b¯æm scamlic {ignition} {technique} yonder sê uncl¯ænsian {is} {heated} n¯æman {a very} stealc {temperature} ðanon glêdan ð¯ærût duguð {organic} andweorc {(Ball,1964)}. {The} elra {major technique} {is} æt−bregdan {chemically} tôferian hw¯æðer ððe {oxidize} ðone as {organic} {carbon} ongêanweard sê folde, {using} {the method} râd {Walkley} {&} {Black} {(1934)}, sê {is} siððon âgniden friðian bolla {organic} ontimber. {Both are} {valid} {monitoring} {techniques}, mid l¯ænan ungelîc {numerical} {results}. {It} {is} âcumendlic {to establish} twihynde {statistical} nêahsibb betwêonum {these} twi−prefix with meaning {methods}, adverbial phrases ðone as duguð {ignition} {method can} openian fîllende unnon medemung {Walkley-Black} {organic} lîchamlic eornostlîce {vice-versa}. {Most} {soil management} {books}, {reference} {manuals}, ymbe {pesticide} {labels} {reference} {organic} edwist {on the} {Walkley-Black} oferstîgan. {Organic} têoh {is} forworen ofðe {humified} {organic} geol−ster {(crop} {residues}, {compost, manures}, {etc)} to ðone as sylian. {There} m¯æran {actually} {several} {techniques} fîllende cuman m¯æl {soil organic} têoh hêafodling. {There} {is} dimf b¯æm scamlic {ignition} {technique} yonder sê uncl¯ænsian {is} {heated} n¯æman {a very} stealc {temperature} ðanon glêdan ð¯ærût duguð {organic} andweorc {(Ball,1964)}.

found by floorboards 2 sleeping bag, 1 needle, broken piece of wood, window smashed